Child sexual abuse is the most horrendous crime committed against children. It is beyond comprehension how can a human being commit such an atrocity to another human being, especially children. In today’s society, we see many types of deviant acts
being committed against children, women, men and even animals, and what can society
do about it? What can be done to prevent it? In order for us to begin to understand the reasons behind this deviant behaviour, we need to look into specific aspects of each case, study the behaviour of the perpetrator and the circumstances that contributed to his or hers behaviour. Consequently, this paper will explore Bert’s Case Study, and will aim at identifying Bert’s problem behaviour, understand and explain his offending behaviour towards children and find a suitable rehabilitation program for Bert, so as to prevent him from ever re-offending. Lastly, this paper will evaluate how successful is the treatment program offered to Bert and if it is the most appropriate one to aid in preparing him from future re-offending.
IDENTIFICATION OF BERT’S PROBLEM BEHAVIOUR Bert a 49-year-old man is identified as a child sex offender and is serving a 7 year sentence for sexually assaulting children. Bert was a scout master and was arrested after numerous complaints claiming he had sexually assaulted boys scouts aged between 10 and 14 years of age during his scout activities. It is known that these offenses occurred over a number of years.
Many would describe Bert as a paedophile, however, there is more than one definition of paedophilia but for the purpose of this paper Bert will be considered a paedophile, or – a male adult who chooses children as the object of his sexual preferences.
Bert claims that his sexual offenses towards these boys began after his wife’s car accident when she became a paraplegic, which led to Bert’s “blocking off access to an adult sexual
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