Using research references written by various authors, I examined some processes used to select potential employees for certain positions and processes used to select appropriate wages for particular jobs performed within a company. Based on the data collected, I determined there are several methods used to perform both functions. Some types of measurement procedures used to evaluate personnel have their counterpart in job evaluation. Although they are separate functions, they are inherently related.
Various methods are used to select personnel for job positions in companies. One of those methods is an Assessment Center. An Assessment Center consists of a standardized evaluation of behavior based on multiple evaluations including: job-related simulations, interviews, and/or psychological tests. Job simulations are used to evaluate candidates on behaviors relevant to the most critical aspects of the job. Several trained observers and techniques are used. Judgments about the behavior are made and recorded. These judgments are pooled in a meeting among the assessors or by an averaging process. In discussion among assessors, comprehensive accounts of behavior, often including ratings, are pooled. The discussion results in evaluations of the performance of assesses on the dimensions or other variables. The leaderless group discussion is a type of assessment center exercise where groups of applicants meet as a group to discuss an actual job-related problem. As the meeting proceeds, the behavior of the candidates is observed to see how they interact and what leadership and communications skills each person displays. An Assessment Center can be defined as “a variety of testing techniques designed to allow candidates to demonstrate, under standardized conditions, the skills and abilities that are most essential for success in a given job”. The term “assessment center” is really a catch-all term
References: Doverspike, D., Carlisi, A., Barrett, G. & Alexander, R.A. (2008). Generalizability analysis of a point-method job evaluation instrument Doverspike, D. & Barrett, G.V. (2008). An internal bias analysis of a job evaluation instrument. Milkоviсh, G.Т. & Nеwman, J.M. (2009). Cоmpеnѕatiоn. Pianо, Теxaѕ: Buѕinеѕѕ Publiсatiоnѕ, Inс. Piеrѕоn, D., Kоziara, K.Ѕ. & Jоhannеѕѕоn, R. (2009). А pоliсy-сapturing application in a union ѕеtting Ѕсhwab. D.P. (2009) Job еvaluatiоn and pay ѕеtting: Cоnсеptѕ and praсtiсеѕ. In E.R. Livеrnaѕh (Ed.), Comparable worth: Iѕѕuеѕ and altеrnativеѕ