An Environmental Impact Study
XYZ Company
California, 92804
Appendix A
1.1. General Description of Work 3
1.2. What Must Be Included with Bid 3
1.3. Schedule of Bid Period Activities 4
1.4. Location of Work 5
1 General Description of Work
XYZ Company requests proposals for a highly-reliable, to put up a modest-sized cement production plant on the outskirts of town, the plant would operate on only one ten-hour shift per day and would produce about 400 cubic yards of output per day for six days per week.
1.2. What Must Be Included with Bid
Topographic elements and how "lay of the land" will affect run-off during construction, and operation - this latter item germane to materials storage and handling Climatic factors such as winds, especially as the main nuisance of operation is air pollutants, but also dust and particulates. Depth to groundwater, and examination of potentials of pollution of same (and of surface runoff to streams, lakes) Obvious EIR stuff such as disturbance of biota, potentials for endangered species, ext.
It is necessary for an environmental impact study to be undertaken before the county can issue a permit. The biggest issue is, of course, the air quality implications of cement production, but potential impacts on water quality are of concern as well.
The winning bidder, if any, will be selected solely by the judgment of XYZ Company
5 Schedule of Bid Period Activities
Responsive bids must be received by January 26, 2008 at 8AM PST. Bids are due on the date specified. All bids will be reviewed to make sure they meet all the requirements. All responsive bids will be scored, and the top three bids will be evaluated by the proposal team to select the winning bidder and an alternate. Negotiations with the winning bidder are