The second longest running show was Cats, which staged 7485 performances. Cats opened on Broadway in 1982, and continued to live up to its motto of playing "Now and Forever” until 2000. Cats was based on T.S. Eliot’s "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats." "Memory" has been recorded by over 150 artists including Barbra Streisand, Johnny Mathis, Liberace, and Barry Manilow.
The economic aspect of broadway is significant because of the annual $11.9 Billion to New York City's economy and giving 87,000 people jobs. Also the amount of money tourist spend when visiting NYC to see a show. All of this is thanks to the ladies & gents providing their heart and soul onstage and off. Being on Broadway for me has always been a huge dream of mine. Every since i was about 11 i have been completely invested in shows, concerts, and performances that have little by little shaped me into the performer i am now. I have been in about 75 shows in the past 6 years, from California to New York, on airplanes and boats. My plans after high school are simple. I plan to attend Young Harris College, which is in North Georgia. After being there for four years and getting my Bachelors of Musical Theatre I want to move to NYC to a 500 sq ft apartment. Before even getting settled in my new home and town I'm going to audition for everything