The United States’ policy was to govern the Philippine Archipelago for the common welfare of the Filipino people and to train the Filipinos for self-governance. The United States was hoping that the Filipino people would be capable of independence someday.
President Mckinley assure that the Philippines are theirs, and so it should not be exploited, rather to develop, to civilize, to educative and to train the Filipinos in the science of self-governance.
Even President Wilson mentioned that “every step we take will be taken with a view to the ultimate independence of the Philippine Islands”. But, the United sates also had some other colonial motives which were not so selfless after all.
The following aims of American involvement were to continue the destiny of America as a world power and to use the Philippines as a source of raw materials for United States industries as well as a market for their manufactured products. Moreover, America aimed to use the Philippines as a military and naval base, and of course, to have a refueling port for American ships servicing their interest in China.
Due to the presence of war, America established a military government in the Philippines. The United States President as the Commander- in- Chief of the United States appointed General Wesley Meritt as the first Military Governor. Then he was succeeded by General Elwell S. Otis.General Otis was replaced by General Arthur Mac Arthur as the third and last military governor.
Under the military government, an American-style school system was introduced, initially with soldiers as teachers; civil courts were organized, including a supreme court; and local governments were established in towns and provinces which became very useful to our country for justice. The Americans taught us to be defensive for our country. They introduced us new technologies for our every day life more productive. The military government was lasted only for three years. One of greatest legacy of America to the Filipinos is Democracy. The Americans came to train the Filipinos in democratic ways of managing the government. As I have said that Americans came to the philippines not to be exploited but to train us for self governance so that we can achieve independence. They are willing to taught us with proper governance and introduced us the three branches of the government namely: executive (president),legislative (senate and congress) and the judiciary (department of justice). The most impact of the American regime in the philippines is that in the intellectual development of the Filipinos. Schools were built all over the country and making English as a medium of instructions. The English language was widelytaught all over the country. Soon,taught all over the country. Soon,some english words became part of some english words became part of our vocabulary. The first teachers were called Thomasites because they came on board the SS Thomas.The University of the Philippines, Philippine Normal College and other agricultural schools were established. Transportation and Communication was improved. They taught us also to built roads, streets and bridgesfor efficient movement of products and services. The Filipinos learned the value of cleanliness and healthy practices.They were taught proper hygieneto make them healthy and be freefrom contagious diseases. Hospitals, clinics, and health centers were built. Public hospitals for serios disease victims were also established. Mode of Dressing was changed also.The women learned to wear dresses, high-heeled shoes andhand bags. While the men woresuits, polo shirts, ties and jeans. The Philippine economy was also improved due to increase agricultural production and development of newindustries. The Filipino attitude was gradually changed. We learned to be frank,humorous, belief in rights and freedom,and love for sports.
In this period, I notice many changes which contributed a lot to the development of our country. There are many new things that era introduced to us Filipinos which changes our lives for the better. I think that the most valuable contribution of the Americans was Democracy. This kind of government unites most Filipinos because this government is the people, for the people and by the people. The second most important contribution of the Americans is Education. This also makes the people completely changed because of the teachings and the different techniques they’ve showed to us that’s why today we are up-to-date in terms of technologies and other services.
Therefore, American Influences can still be seen in the country's system of education, literature, art, architecture, science, industry, home, food, clothes, religion, pastimes, music and dances. Filipinos took education seriously which resulted to the high social status of some Filipinos. The Filipinos learned how to read, speak and write English in a short matter of time. The free exchange of goods between the United Stated and the Philippines ended when the U.S. Congress approved the Tydings-Mcduffie Law. Through the Homestead Act, the right to own any civil land up to 24 hectares was given to any Filipino. The Protestant religion was accepted by the Filipinos. The social status of Filipino Women during the American period. They were allowed to participate in politics, to work in the government, and to pursue their studies in college. Matters like health and cleanliness were improved. Transportation and communication in the Philippines were developed.
The influence of the American culture brought about good and bad aspects to the Philippines. Many roads and bridges were constructed. New technologies were introduced to the country. These technologies helped the Philippines' industries and agriculture. All these developments were made for the convenience of the Americans in the Philippines most especially the businessmen. Philippine people might have enjoyed some benefits but they were not the real reasons why such developments were made. The rules that had been imposed by the Americans to the Filipinos in relation to health and education also had negative effects. The Americans imposed these rules to achieve their main objective, which is to colonize and use the country and its people. Education was the most useful means or ways in pursuing a peaceful relationship with the Filipinos. Through education, the Americans influenced the Filipinos in terms of the way they eat, to love the American culture and most of all, to prioritize American products.