Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
LET-1351 – Literary and Linguistics Research Methods
This article shows an overview of why Intertextuality is present in almost every situation that a person could live. This has a description of what intertextuality is; its acquisition and how it is related to society and finally how it is presents in education trough different applications. All seen through a social perspective quoting several linguists. Throughout the essay it is evidenced that intertextuality could be applied not just to text. It is also related to discourses, to family teaching, to school environment, to progressive sequences such as a film or tv-series and it is related to experiences too. And then the essay explains what happen when a person realizes what intertextuality is to use it as a tool. In conclusion all kind of communication could transfer a message explicitly or implicitly. That is why it is possible to say that Intertextuality is always everywhere.
Keywords: Intertextuality, Social Perspective, Education, Language.
An Explanation of Socio-educational Characteristics of IntertextualityAn efficient manner to understand the importance and the transcendence of Intertextuality could be establishing its origin. Due to the wide range of possible definitions of Intertextuality, it is important to state a base of what intertextuality is. Hence, beginning with basic concepts is the first step. Firstly, as Bazerman (2004) states: “The explicit and implicit relations that a text or utterance has to prior, contemporary and potential future texts.” (p.86). Accordingly to the previous statement, intertextuality is the possible relation between two ideas, preferably written. Also it is referred to how a text could be drawn in another to create a potential new text. But, after all probably no one asks about the origin of his language spoken/written
References: BIBLIOGRAPHYBazerman C. (2004), "Intertextuality: How Texts Rely on Other Texts, in: What Writing Does and How it Does it" eds., Charles Bazerman and Paul Prior (Erlbaum Press, 2004) pp 83-96. Becker, A. L. (1995). Beyond Translation: Essays toward a Modern Philology. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Bloome D. & Egan-Robertson A. (1993). The social construction of intertextuality in classroom reading and writing lessons. In reading research quarterly, 28(4). (pp 305-306). González, J. (2012). Intertextualidad y desarrollo de competencias comunicativas y narrativas. Jakobson R. (1987), Language in Literature. Ed. Krystyna Pomorska and Stephen Rudy. (pp 62- 94) Cambridge (Massachusetts), Harvard University Press 1987. Lemke, J. L. (2004), Intertextuality and educational research. In N. Shuart-Faris & D. Bloome. Uses of intertextuality in classroom and educational research. (pp 3-15). Connecticut: Information Age. Love A. (2009). Intertextuality and interdiscursivity as textual strategies: The case of the Zimbabwe Churches" "National Vision" document