When we had to pick an occupation that we thought was most honourable it was hard we all picked doctors, soldier, emergency rescue crew, and bus drivers. No one thought of how they got to do the occupation. Without teachers we would not have all occupation that we have today. Weather we are talking about a teacher in highschool or a teacher in college or med school they still have an impact on your life.
Coaches play a huge part in your life. To me coaches are a role model. I look at my coaches and think wow I really want to be like them when I grow up and go out on my own. You may not think so but you life lessons for their stories. I still remember when Mrs. Guhr told up the day of state championships, she told us a story about when she was a little girl she grew up on a farm. She said that one day there was a storm with really strong winds. She said that she was scared and nervous. She said when they walked outside there was a huge tree that was uprooted. She then said …show more content…
Teachers are here almost every day helping us get better, helping us work towards our goals and dreams. Some of my teachers mean the world to me. They have done so much to help and have shaped me into what I am today. I don’t know I would do without them.
There are people in this world that help shape you into what you have become and what you hope to become.. They deserve honour but may not ever get it theses people are teacher and coaches. They have the most honorable profession You may not notice but you mean the world to me Mrs. Guhr, thank you for everything you have done for