
An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge Reaction Paper

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An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge Reaction Paper
The American Civil War was tough time for American citizens. This war had over 600,000 deaths involved with the majority of those deaths being Americans. This war helped keep the union together and stop slavery altogether. The Civil war also brought us the great speech known as the “Gettysburg Address” and other various fictional pieces such as “ An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce. I believe that fictional work can be more important to learn from than non-fiction work.
The “Gettysburg Address” was presented by the sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln. Given in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania this speech was given to pay tribute to fallen american soldiers that had given their life fighting for what was right. Lincoln pushes for
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Lee, a General for the Confederate Army, although he was not very supportive on the idea of slavery and secession. Robert E. Lee’s thoughts and ideas sided predominantly with the North. Surprisingly, he decided to lead the confederate to protect not only his hometown, but his presiding state, Virginia.
A fictional piece,“An Episode of War”, was written by Stephen Crane. Even though Crane was not old enough to be born in the prime of the War, he still wrote about his experiences of the very end of the war. “An Episode of War” is mainly about the ideology that no humans will ever have control over their fate. One example Listed in this fictional piece was how the lieutenant was simply cutting coffee grains and gets shot somehow, with no understanding of how it happened.
“ An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”, is written by Ambrose Bierce. Bierce was an officer in the Civil War. The central focus of this story is how the officer experiences time passing while daydreaming. While the man was being hanged by the Confederate he “escapes” his fate through daydreaming. He dreams of becoming free and fleeing to his loving family. In the fictional story, Bierce transports the character to a world where time seems to freeze allowing the officer to escape

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