Anemia- a quantitative deficiency of the hemoglobin, often accompanied by a reduced number of red blood cells and causing pallor, weakness, and breathlessness.…
Anemia: is a condition where the body has a deficiency of healthy hemoglobin (red blood cells) to carry adequate oxygen to the tissues in the body.…
1. Lower than normal Hematocrit indicates Anemia. Hematocrit does not have enough Hemoglobin which is an oxygen carrying protein in red blood cells that results in having Iron, B12 and Folic Acid deficiencies. The main causes of developing Anemia include: medications and pregnancy, but the more serious causes include: kidney disease and cancer of the kidney, also leukemia and lymphoma.…
Symptoms of Anemia includes - easy fatigue and loss of energy, tachycardia -particularly with exercise, shortness of breath and headache, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, pale skin/pallor, leg cramps, insomnia, hypoxemia, low urine output, cool to touch, intolerance of cold temps.…
Both Hematocrit and Hemoglobin are low; these results would indicate possible bleeding, which may lead to anemia. Anemia can lead to angina or aggravate Heart Failure symptoms. Low hemoglobin would also contribute to a decreased O2 saturation level because hemoglobin is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body.…
Anemia: A deficit in number and % of RBC’s and HgB usually from blood loss or extreme erythrocyte destruction and malformation. It causes dyspnea, pallor, palpitation, fatigue, and hypotension.…
Anemia is a disease state that is characterized by a reduction of hemoglobin (Hb) or volume of red blood cells (RBC’s). The reduction in Hb or RBC’s leads to diminished oxygen carrying ability of the blood. Many forms of anemia exist – the anemias discussed will be relevant to our patient, JJ, based on her signs/symptoms and past medical history (PMH). Anemia can be classified based on the appearance or size of the RBC. The size of the RBC can be determined by either calculating the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of the RBC based on hematocrit and…
Hussain has suffered from anaemia in the past due to the Muslim diet and worries about if it will come back. The reason why he originally had anaemia in the first place was due to the lack of meat, containing iron, which you need to carry oxygen through your bloodstream, also contains Vitamin B12, which you need a small amount for healthy nerves and blood cells.…
1. Differentiate between absolute and functional iron deficiency in the context of ACD and IDA.…
Iron deficiency anemia: Inadequate iron intake caused by: iron deficient diet, chronic alcoholism, malabsorption syndromes and partial gastrecromy. Rapid metabolic (anabolic) activity caused by: pregnancy, adolescence and infection…
What are the functions of red blood cells? Name one blood cell disease and give a brief explanation the disease.…
1) Anemia due to inadequate iron intake from lack of breast milk and iron fortified formula.…
A common form of anemia is iron deficiency anemia affecting many Americans today. Iron deficiency anemia is caused by the lack of iron in the body from diet. The lack of iron is also caused by growth spurts, pregnancy, and blood loss. (Family Doctor. Org, 2011) the problems with diet that people have are usually women and young children. Women that are pregnant or are nursing need a greater intake of iron. The iron deficiency form bleeding can occur during menstruation in women, ulcers of the stomach, and cancer.…
Yip, R., Binkin, N. J., Fleshood, L, & Trowbridge, F. L. (1987). Declining prevalence of anemia among low-income…
[Editor's Note: This article first appeared in Having a Baby Today Issue 5, Spring 2002.]…