|60 Percent |4 |X/4 | |
|The paper effectively and appropriately provides | |3.85 | Muy buen trabajo, debió profundizar un |
|the following: | | |poco más en el contraste de la industria.|
|Company detail and research. | | | |
|Differences and similarities between selected | | | |
|company and the industry. | | | |
|Debt Analysis. | | | |
|Differences and similarities between debt strcuture| | | |
|by the selected company and the industry. | | | |
|Organization / Development |Points Available|Points Earned|Additional Comments: |
|20 Percent |2 |X/2 | |
|The paper is 850 words in length. | |2 | |
|The paper provides sufficient background on the | | | |
|topic and previews major points. | | | |
|The content is logical, it flows, and it reviews | |