Analysis 4
Based on your understanding of the situation, answer the following questions: How do people in “individualist’ cultures behave differently to people in “collectivist” cultures?
In individualist cultures the connections between individuals are loose. Everyone is expected to look after themselves and their immediate family. Collectivist as it’s opposite pertains to societies in which people from birth onward are integrated into strong, cohesive groups, which throughout people’s lifetime continue to protect them in exchange for unwavering loyalty.
As you were growing up, in what ways were you reared to be individualistic or collectivistic? Which orientation was the predominant cultural value of your family?
As I grew up I was always told that it was a dog eat dog world and that only my brother would ever have my back. Being one of the few white children in town and only one of three in my neighborhood it was clear that there was a divide between us and the rest of the kids. Just showing that we grew up in an individualist. Though there was a sense of collectivist in there as well because even ever someone from outside of town messed with anyone from our town we would always come together for the greater good of our little city. Though I believe that we are all raised individualist. With the saying like no one will help you but you, or that everyone is out to get their own. Which is true we all understand and have a willingness to be collectivist. Like when something bad happens or is about to happen you will see people come together as a whole.
Explain the connections between these two cultures with the dialectic approach. Which of the six dialectics is the most predominant in assisting people in communicating more effectively in intercultural interactions? Provide examples to support your response.
Cultural–Individual this dialectic emphasizes that some behaviors, such as ways of relating to others, are determined by