1. High Power Distance vs. Low Power Distance: Power Distance is referring to the degree of inequality that exists in a country or society .A high Power Distance is where is the society accepts an unequal distribution of power, that people understand "their place" in the system such as Malaysia or China. In contradiction the society with a Low Power Distance means that power is shared. This is more like those democratic countries such as U.S. and Canada. 2. Individualism vs. Collectivism: This refers to the relationship of people within their community and society. Individualism is having a loose connection toward its community. Otherwise Collective society would have strong solidary and cohesion among its community. The collective people intent to put their community before of their own good and people take more responsibility for each other's well-being.
3. Masculinity vs. Femininity: This refers to the society that values the gender roles between male and female. Masculine society expect men to be "tough”, to be the provider, and to be assertive. In a feminine society, the gender roles are blurred. Women and men is working together equally across many professions.
4. High Uncertainty avoidance vs. Low Uncertainty avoidance: