Sexuality: ← Innate ← Context-specific ← Preference Gender: ← Biological or role ← Complex and changeable
Stets and Burke
← “Femininity and masculinity - or one's gender identity - refers to the degree to which persons see themselves as masculine or feminine given what it means to be a man or woman in society. Femininity and masculinity are rooted in the social (one's gender) rather than the biological (one's sex). Societal members decide what being male or female means (e.g., dominant or passive, brave or emotional), and males will generally respond by defining themselves as masculine while females will generally define themselves as feminine. Because these are social definitions, however, it is possible for one to be female and see herself as masculine or male and see himself as feminine.”
← “Gender roles are shared expectations of behavior given one's gender. For example, gender roles might include women investing in the domestic role and men investing in the worker role.” ← “Gender stereotypes are shared views of personality traits often tied to one's gender such as instrumentality in men and expressiveness in women.”
← “Gender attitudes that are the views of others or situations commonly associated with one's gender such as men thinking in terms of justice and women thinking in terms of care. Although gender roles, gender stereotypes and gender attitudes influence one's gender identity, they are not the same as gender identity.”
Kilbourne “Toxic Cultural Environment” -
Franz Boas “Cultural Pluralism” ← The proliferation of multiple cultures within one location, leading to greater diversity ← Potential to create respect for cultural difference ← More tv stations/programs that cater to minority cultures and religions