Exam 3 Study Guide
Sleep and Your Health (Workbook)
· How much of our life do we actually spend sleeping? 1/3
· Maintaining a structured 8 hours of sleep can help you maintain or even lose weight.
· What are 5 emotional effects of sleep deprivation? Lower anger threshold, increased irritability, increased frustration, increased nervousness, difficulty in handling stress
· If you feel alert during the day then you are probably getting enough sleep.
· Approximately how long does it take a well-rested person to fall asleep at night? 15-20 mins
· You cannot cancel your sleep debt by sleeping more on the weekends.
· During what stage of sleep do we dream? REM
· What is considered by most sleep experts to be the number one cause of short-term sleeping difficulties? Stress
· With the exception of preventive naps, naps should be limited to no longer than 45 minutes.
· This depressant helps people fall into light sleep, but keeps them from having adequate amounts of REM and deep stage sleep.
· To have good quality sleep, it is important to keep a routine bedtime and wake-time, even on the weekends.
Chapter 9: Relationships and Communication
· The cornerstone of every successful relationship is effective communication. (Page 190)
· Explain some differences in communication between men and women. (Page 192)
· What are some strategies for effective conflict resolution? (Page 192-193) Communication, voice frustrations
· Explain the concept known as attachment theory. (Page 193) The patterns of attachment in our earliest relationships with others from the template for attachment in later relationships
· Define gender roles. (Page 193) Behaviors and tasks considered appropriate by society based on someone’s gender.
· … is usually the basis of first attraction to another person. (Notes)
· According to