Overview: Sleep/Stress Analysis
You will review your Sleep Log, reflecting the types of sleep and the impact of sleep deprivation on health. You’ll conduct a short Sleep Analysis using data from your Sleep Log.
Referring to the weekly readings, you will identify which level best describes your own stress.
You will also self-assess your stress levels and personality type using online tools, and analyze the implications of your own typical and atypical stress levels.
You are encouraged to practice stress-reduction techniques, some of which are described in your readings. As a healthcare professional, you will often find yourself in stressful situations, but applying such techniques to yourself will help you teach those skills to your stressed clients.
Analyze one’s own sleep patterns.
Discuss current research on the negative consequences of sleep deprivation.
Describe the physiological, emotional and behavioral responses to stress.
Discuss components of stress management.
Use this rubric to guide your work on the assignment, “Stress/Sleep Analysis.”
Needs Improvement
Sleep Analysis
Sleep Time
(Total 40 points)
Clearly presented:
(20 points)
(20 points)
(10 point)
(10 point)
(0 points)
(0 points)
Stress Analysis
Stress Levels
Holmes-Rahe Score
Personality Type
(Total 60 points)
Clearly presented with more than one example each:
(20 points)
(20 points)
(20 points)
Complete with one example each:
(10 point)
(10 point)
(10 point)
Incomplete or no examples:
(0 points)
(0 points)
(0 points)
Sleep Analysis
Average Sleep Time
Use your Sleep Log to calculate your average hours of sleep per day for the week.
State the average below, explaining if and why you included any napping times.
(Total hours of sleep/Number of days)
53hours and 30min for seven days I included 1hour of napping time because it was also time spend sleeping.
` Sleepiness
Explain which of these statements best describe you the most frequently during your sleep study week:
I fought off/ignored a need to sleep.
I dozed off/fell asleep without meaning to.
I needed caffeine or another stimulant drug to stay awake.
I needed caffeine or another stimulant drug to stay awake
I’m not really a morning person and some days it takes a while to feel fully awake so I drink coffee or tea in the morning.
Stress Analysis
Stress Levels
Referring to the article, “Understanding your Stress Levels,” explain which level of stress best explains your typical week. State specific reasons why you place yourself in that level. Explain regular instances in which your stress level either escalates or diminishes.
Dumbleton, T. (2005). Understanding your stress levels [Electronic version]. Retrieved November 2011. Type 3 - The Drifter
I usually come up with many ideas and things to do. I may accomplish one not in the best manner and never complete the others. My stresslevel would escalate when I have planned for example to do my school work and same time sign up for overtime at work within the same week. I find myself overstressed I will complete my work but might not do it very well. Sometimes I will have a slow week, level of stress diminishes but on the down side I will feel later like much of my time has been wasted. Im the kind that even when on vacation I still want to feel im doing something.
Holmes-Rahe Score
Complete the adaptation of the Holmes-Rahe scale at , and note your score. Then briefly explain what your results mean and examples of implications they may have on your health. If you disagree with the evaluation provided by the instrument, explain why.
My score was 89
According to the Holmes & Rahe* statistical prediction model my score means a relatively low amount of life change and a low susceptability (about 30% probability) to stress-related illness.
Personality Type
Complete one of these “personality inventories:”
Describe the characteristics of your personality type from the results of the assessment, and provide examples of why you agree or disagree.
Type B
Yes I agree, my personality depends on the situation but majority of the time im calm and patient. I don’t rush into decisions and due to my busy schedule I tend to finish my work just on time.
Stress Reduction Technique
Participate in at least one stress reduction technique for the remainder of the course. There is no assignment component to submit and you will not be graded for this, but I hope you try something new and/or allow yourself time to continue in a technique that works for you!
NRW Your Professor