Informative Outline
Topic: is social media ruining our minds?
General Purpose: to inform
Specific Purpose: to inform students about attention span decreasing
Attention Getter: by a show of hands, how many of you can honestly say you can remember your grandmother’s birthday? Not very many. According to attention span statistics from the associated press gold fish have longer spans than us! 25% of teens and young adults forget major details of close friends and relatives.
Central Idea: Today’s busy society is so consumed by technology and social networks that our attentions span has declined drastically. Researcher Edward Swing, a graduate student at Iowa state university found a correlation between …show more content…
In addition to technology, the lack of sleep which is also prevalent in today’s society has taken a toll on our ability to concentrate. Regaining our concentration is not something that can be done in a matter of days, it takes time to readjust your brain but it must be done.
Transition/Signpost: Girls, how many of us drive with our knees, while attempting to fix our makeup? Or how often do we text and drive? “More than 3,900 people died in 2010 as a result to distracted driving”, as stated in the newspaper Watertown daily times in Massachusetts
Body: I. Main point: social media and technology is ruining our minds. A. Social networks 1. Author and editor of socialtimes Neil Vidyarthi states that our attention span has dropped from 12-5 minutes due to social media. 2. Studies have shown that people spend 700 billion minutes on Facebook every month! B. Cellphones 1. Nowadays we can do anything via our cellphones you can be in class checking you FB notification, texting, or checking your email. 2. It seems no matter what we’re doing or how important it is, we’re conditioned to drop it all once we hear our phones ringtone go …show more content…
Studies and statistics 1. Sleep has proven to be crucial to public health . 2. Government studies conducted have shown that 30% of working adults only get 6 hours of sleep or less B. Affects 1. The recommended amount of sleep is 7-9 hours per night. 2. Without this you’re probably irritable, dealing with mind fog, and have difficulty managing daily tasks. C. Mind fog 1. Being sleepy throughout the day definitely produces a lack of concentration. 2. Drowsiness or sleepiness will keep you from fantasizing about your next nap and before you know it you are drifting away ignoring your everyday tasks.
(signpost) technology, multi-tasking an lack of sleep are culprits to our lack of concentration. However, to recover our focus we must dissect our brains a little further..
III. Main point: In order to find a solution to our problem we must understand why we can’t concentrate in the first place. A. Why can’t we concentrate?
1. So why don’t we lose focus during sex? The reason why we are able to keep our focus during sexual intercourse is the same reason we can do so while on Facebook, twitter and texting, which is that we find a pleasure in these tasks thus releasing “the pleasure chemical” dopamine in the