The power distance index is defined as “the extent the less powerful members of society accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.” The power distance index (PDI) addresses the issue of how a society deals with inequality. The basic areas of inequality include social status, wealth, and power. In fact, the lower level or followers in a society perceives and experiences the inequality of power. The power distance index provides insight into whether a society has a clearly established hierarchy or an attempt is made to distribute power. If the power distance index is greater than 50, the society is a high-power distance culture. A high-power distance culture is a hierarchical based. Whereas, a score lower than 50 denotes a low power distance culture. A low power distance culture signifies power is distributed …show more content…
equally among people.
The individualism versus collectivism (IDV), gives insight into the expression of people’s self-image as either “I” or “we”.
The “I” emphasizes individualism while “we” stands for collectivism. Individualism is a view that stresses independence and taking care of oneself. A high score of 50 or greater indicates an individualist culture. Conversely, a lower score designates collectivism. A culture of collectivism drives the importance of close relationships with relatives, family, or members of a group with loyalty.
The masculinity versus femininity (MAS) dimension depicts the aspirations of a society in terms of heroism, assertiveness, and rewards for success. In other words, a masculine culture is very competitive. A high score implies high masculinity. In contrast, femininity culture seeks harmony and cooperation with an aim to have a high quality of life. According to Hofestede, masculinity versus femininity is also seen as “tough versus tender”
The uncertainty avoidance index (UAI) dimension conveys the comfort level of a culture with uncertainty and ambiguity. In addition, the uncertainty avoidance index gives insight into the way a culture or society deals with the uncertainty. Societies with a high score lean towards enforcing strict rules or codes of behavior, guidelines, and laws to reduce the anxiety and stress associated with uncertainty. Correspondingly, these societies tend to have a lesser acceptance of new ideas or trying something new or different. On the contrary, a lower score shows a higher acceptance of ideas and tolerance for the unknown.
The long-term orientation dimension attempts to illustrate a society’s behavior to associate the past with current and future actions or challenges. If the society demonstrates short-term orientation, the dimension score is low. A low score indicates customs and traditions are the driving norm for dealing with challenges of the present and the future. A higher score illustrates a long-term orientation. A long-term orientation emphasizes a pragmatic and modern approach to addressing current challenges and plan for the future.
The indulgence dimension measures the restraint or excessiveness of a society to purse their desire and impulses. A high score is illustrative of a culture with a high degree of indulgence. As a matter of fact, high degree of indulgence signifies a society’s susceptibleness to give into their impulses to enjoy life and have fun. However, a society that demonstrates strong control over their urges scores lower in the indulgence dimension. In fact, restraint cultures tend to rely on social norms to regulate, suppress, and restrict gratification.