Profitability Which indicators have been brought forward in the annual report of the company? Which specific targets are aimed at? How does the group state and assess the evolution of profitability in the annual report? Is there more recent public information about this issue? Where? Is this information in line with the one mentioned in the annual report? Is it indicating a similar evolution? What are the main propositions of the company to improve its profitability?
Financing What is the global financing strategy of the group? What is the evolution of the financing cost (several indicators)? What is the shareholders’ remuneration program? What are your sources (of information) regarding this issue?
Investments What are the main investment / disinvestment policies? How are these investments financed? What is the outlook of the company regarding this issue?
Consolidation process What are the most important consolidated subsidiaries? (Eventually mention the approximate number of subsidiaries)? Are there associated companies? What is the evolution of the income attributable to shareholders (or result part of the group)? What are the comments of the company regarding this issue? What kind of indicators does the company report about shareholder value? Are those indicators compared with other information?
International standards Does the group announce the non-publication of some standards? If yes, for which reasons? Among explanatory notes associated with the consolidated accounts, choose one that is
Bibliography: 1Annual report 2010 – BAYER Science for a better life – Basic principles, methods and critical accounting estimate, CONSOLIDATION, p. 154. 2Annual report 2010 – BAYER Science for a better life – Basic principles, methods and critical accounting estimate, CONSOLIDATION, p. 155. 3Annual report 2010 – BAYER Science for a better life – Basic principles, methods and critical accounting estimate, CONSOLIDATION, p. 155. 4 --------------------------------- [ 1 ]. See appendix 1