1.1 Background of the Study
Desire is a natural characteristic of every human being, the writer believe that every single person in the world have desire to get something that really want. According to the vdictionary, the definition of desire is very deverse, desire means to wish for earnestly, to covest, to express a wish for, to entreat, to request, to require, the natural longing that is excited by the enjoyment or the thought of any good, and impels to action or effort its continuance or possession, an eager wish to obtain or enjoy. (
Some people say if desires are thought of as conscious states of mind, this is untrue. On the other hand, if they are thought of as no ore than interpretations certified by the agent’s behavior, then perhaps the model is trivial. But functionalism rescues the human theory, seeing desire as a respectable theoretical category, identified by its role in systematizing the explanation of agents. Some questions include wheter we always do what we desire to do, wheter we can control our strongest desire, and how motivation by desire compares with motivation by principle.
Sometimes that desire is too strong and dominate ourself, it not good at all. It will be fatal. Desire can control you, it can make you become someone different from yourself, if it too powerful, it can make you loose your mind, and doing a crazy things that you never imagine before. It can destroy yourself. In America, according to the 2005 Disabilities act, there are 191,670 have a mental disorder because of excessive desire, they cannot control their desire, they push their self harder to fulfill their desire, and many of them who decide to commit suicide. While in Indonesia the data from year 2003 shows that media provides a figure have appealed to the writer of the study and become one of the reasons for the writer to discuss the issue through the main character in the Black Swan movie, a
Cited: Bondi, Liz. Psychoanalytic theory: Entry for the Dictionary of Human Geography, 5th Edition. Online papers archived by the Institute of Geography. School of Geosciences: University of Edinburgh. 2007 Bressler, Charles E Darlington, Yvonne, Qualitative Research in Practice: Stories From the Field, 2000 http//, acessed on April 20, 2011 http// acessed on April 20, 2011 Klauber, John, Illusion and Spontaneity in Psychoanalysis, Free Association Books, 1987 LaMothe, Ryan, Becoming Alive: Psychoanalysis and Vitality, Routledge, New York, 2005 ANALYSIS OF NINA SAYER 'S DESIRE TO BE MAJOR PLAYER IN DARREN ARANOFSKY 'S BLACK SWAN MOVIE: A PSYCHOANALYSIS APPROACH