One of the biggest contemporary issues affecting leadership in the Army today is the misconception that hazing and tough leadership are one in the same. Hazing as stated by AR 600-20 (2014)
Hazing is Any conduct whereby a Servicemember or members regardless of service, rank, or position, and without proper authority, recklessly or intentionally causes a Servicemember to suffer or be exposed to any activity that is cruel, abusive, humiliating, oppressive, demeaning, or harmful. Soliciting or coercing another to participate in any such activity is also considered hazing. Hazing need not involve physical contact among or between military members or employees; it can be verbal or psychological …show more content…
An example of the wrong intent happened when I was a young corporal on Charge of Quarters (CQ) at the barracks. A drunk and belligerent Staff Sergeant arrived at the barracks with his girlfriend to conduct an inspection. He then ordered me and my runner to do push-ups while verbally insulting us for forty-five minutes to show off in front of his girlfriend. This is a perfect example of the wrong intent. The runner and I were not developed or improved. There in lays the fine line between hazing and tough leadership and that fine line is …show more content…
S. Army needs tough leadership now to prepare for future conflicts. I have clarified the difference between hazing and tough leadership. I have provided evidence on why intent, resiliency, discipline, and policies of today’s Army needs to change and adapt. We can all agree that degrading a soldier in any capacity is wrong, but we can also agree that developing warriors to be tough, resilient, and disciplined in today’s military is a challenge. The evidence provided demonstrates that the Army knows this is a problem and is adjusting. The questions remain is it too little too late? Did we create our own problem by failing to realize the difference between tough leadership and hazing? Let us hope we figure out how once again to build warriors, soldiers, and citizens that will rival the greatest generation in or communities and on the