Sentence Outline, Introduction, One Body Paragraph and Conclusion for Reading Purposes ONLY!
Topic: A competent textbook reviewer
Thesis Statement: a competent textbook reviewer is characterized by their expertise on the subject matter, their ability to identify the learning goals of the textbook and showing the results of the evaluation.
Sub-topics: Topic sentence:
Expertise on the subject matter A textbook reviewer must have great knowledge on the subject mater of the textbook.
Set learning goals of the textbook Additionally, evaluators must identify the learning goals of the textbook so as to determine the purpose of the book and to identify the content analysis to which the guidebook is aligned.
Sharing the results of the Furthermore, sharing the results of the evaluations a evaluaton is a fundermental component of a good textbook reviewer.
Introduction In today’s classroom, textbooks serve as tool and tutor, guidebook and gauge. A textbook is a formal manual which contains comprehensive organized material comprehensive enough to cover the primary objectives outlined in the standard cource of study. Given the importance of textbook’s in a curriculum, it is crucial that time and energy be spent to engage in the rigorous evaluation of books. It is important to use a competent textbook reviewer during the process of evaluation. A competent textbook reviewer is characterized by their expertise on the subject matter, their ability to identify the learning goals of the textbook and sharing the results of the evaluations.
One Body Paragraph A textbook reviewer must have great knowledge on the subject matter of the textbook being reviewed. The evaluator can be a practicing teacher who interact with students on a daily basis and will have the ability to identify the accuracy of the information provided and also identify what information is required for a student to know on the specific subject. A