1. What are the functions, concepts and principles of assessment in learning and development? (1.1, 1.2)
The functions of assessing a student are to ensure that learning and development has taken place against a certain criteria. It allows the assessor to measure and prove the competence , knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable the student to achieve a qualification. This is carried out by using different assessment techniques such as observation, projects, and assignments. Assessment is also used to develop and strengthen the students learning .The final function is to ensure that the student gains a qualification. Concepts and principles of assessing are closely related as the principles are based on the concepts. The concepts include such aspects as accountability, evaluation, progression. As an assessor you need to be able assess whether the students work is :- Fair, reliable, valid, safe and manageable ,authentic ,sufficient and current.
2. What is the role and responsibilities of the assessor? (1.3)
The main role of the assessor is to assess the student in relation to the agreed criteria to enable the student to become qualified in that subject. The assessors responsibilities include :- Planning assessments , giving students feedback, assessing the students knowledge and understanding of the subject, keeping accurate records which in turn are kept safe and secure, giving support to learners who have special needs and maintaining your own professional development. There are 8 stages that an assessor should follow:- 1. Candidate induction-the qualification should be explained with a summary given of the award .An initial assessment is performed to identify any special needs or requirements for the student.The assessor should explain their and the candidates role within their relationship. 2. Assessment planning- a plan needs to be made of how the student can be assessed to show understanding and knowledge.