The main story of Jurassic Park written by Michael Crichton is about genetically cloned dinosaurs who break loose. Confusion and complete disorder occurs throughout the story of Jurassic Park. In the story, the theme of chaos is unpredictably built in the human’s lives. Dr. Ian Malcolm predicts that having dinosaurs in Isa Nubla will cause disaster. If the animals are released to the island, they will be a liability because they will disrespect nature. Malcolm is the most famous mathematician who predicts chaos countless of times in the park. The breeding of dinosaurs are the main cause that create chaos and destructs Jurassic Park.
Malcolm foresees that the creation of dinosaurs is not a smart idea, for it can cause unpredicted behavior. Malcolm is a scientist who is outgoing, egoistic and has the knowledge to create new ideas. Malcolm states that it is '”an attempt to recreate a natural environment from the past” (Crichton 92). Dinosaurs are known to be as an ancient species that only existed long ago. Having the idea creating dinosaurs in Jurassic Park is bizarre to humans. Nature is the biggest problem Jurassic Park has at becoming successful. Having the idea of using the dinosaurs as the park entertainment on an island is just sounds like a major trap under no circumstance. Malcolm’s calculation has gradually built up the story more precise. As stated by Dr. Malcolm in the book, he said "Life will find a way"(139). He meant that the dinosaurs will find a way to live the way they want. This is something that scientists didn’t think about when they brought dinosaurs back to life. The scientists didn’t think about the way that nature would want to live and decided that they could control it. Dr. Malcolm uses the chaos theory to predict the collapse of the park. In the beginning of the book Malcolm is introduced to the story. One of the first things Dr. Malcolm talks about is the chaos theory. In the first conversation with him in