Introduce: In the story, one of the main characters siblings was the sovereign of Shortet, and was steadfast on harming his sister publicly.
Cite: Cyra’s brother Ryzek had her tortured by almost cutting her skin off around her neck with a sharp knife. Ryzek did it himself (Roth 355-362). When a family member is determined to harm another family member in such a way to scar them for life, it comes off as disturbing. His ambition to torture her was perplexing, and showed the disturbing connection between the family members.
Introduce: In the story people give gifts to murderers even though they had killed their family members.
Cite: After Akos killed Joreks father Suzao, Jorek made a necklace for Akos to remind him to be proud and remember his kill (Roth 360-362).
Explain: This story is also disturbing because even though Akos killed Joreks father, Jorek made Akos a gift. This is upsetting because people are celebrating the murder of family members.
Conclusion; In conclusion based off characters actions a common mood throughout the story would be disturbing.