Beatrice’s constant display of bravery throughout the story granted her praise amongst her comrades. This is first shown when she performs a “leap of faith” off of a building in front of the Dauntless initiates directly after the Choosing Ceremony. …show more content…
The importance of being Divergent is first introduced to Beatrice after she completes her Aptitude Test (which determines which faction a person should choose). Tori (the test manager) reports to her: “’My conclusion,’ she explains, ‘is that you display equal aptitude for Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite. People who get this result are…’ She looks over her shoulder like she expects someone to appear behind her. ‘… are called … Divergent.’ She says the last word so quietly that I almost don’t hear it, and her tense, worried look returns. She walks around the side of the chair and leans in close to me. ‘Beatrice,’ she says, ‘under no circumstances should you share that information with anyone. This is very important.’” The manner in which Tori says that Tris is a Divergent means that it is an extremely rare condition that changes the way people look at them, and this is meant that Tris would have to create her identity alone. Likewise, as Tris possessed from both the Abnegation and the Dauntless (selflessness and bravery respectively), it was easier for her to create an identity accustomed towards the Dauntless; as explained by Four. After he and Tris exit the fear simulation room, he says: “’I have a theory that selflessness and bravery aren’t all that different. All your life you’ve been training to forget yourself, so when you’re in danger, it becomes your …show more content…
First of all, her bravery allowed her to face fears that came her way, and granted her a new identity as “Tris”. Moreover, Tris’ Divergent status assisted her greatly in the pursuit of her identity, and ultimately helped her realize the truth. These traits commonly appear throughout the story and reflect on Tris’ personality for who she is and what she stands for. At the end of the story, her goal is finally achieved when she accepts the fact that she is a unique individual that cannot only display one personality, akin to any other human being living in the world