Analysis of effective Group Communication
Jiaxi Huang n8899614 30/10/2014Semester 2
Tutor: Peter O’Connor
Word Count: 1008
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc402280770 \h 12.Critical Incident Analysis PAGEREF _Toc402280771 \h 13.Theoretical Analysis and Reflection PAGEREF _Toc402280772 \h 24.Areas of Development PAGEREF _Toc402280773 \h 44.1 SMART Goals for Development PAGEREF _Toc402280774 \h 45.Social and Cultural Factors PAGEREF _Toc402280775 \h 56.Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc402280776 \h 6Reference PAGEREF _Toc402280777 \h 7Appendiex
The purpose of this portfolio is to reflect and analyse a critical incident that occurred while undertaking the group task of BSB124. Reflecting on the task is valuable for employers to develop the work progress since the ability to analysing team work will be beneficial to my career. In this portfolio I will analyse this critical incident specifically using the SMARP model and the Media Richness Theory (Dennis & Kinney, 1998; McShane, Olekalns & Travaglione, 2013). Following this, I will reflect on my personal development from the group communication perspectives. In addition, I will outline my career development strategies using SMART goals and measuring ways to improve my effectiveness in the organisational setting.
Critical Incident AnalysisCritical incident reflection is an extension of “critical thinking” which requires us to not only examine the past progress we have achieved but importantly it requires us to prepare and develop the future action (State of Victoria, 2007). In order to develop my interpersonal skills, the critical incident occurred in my group will be discussed in this portfolio using the STARP model (see REF _Ref402192473 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 1).
Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1: STARP ModelS= Situation In the first meeting, we talked about what kind of work we are good at. Two of the members did