This is where--hanging here from this gallows”(65)...
Even though this book is filled with very heavy content, the language of writing is very understandable to kids to read. “Perils of indifference ”was meant for adults, “Mr. President, Mrs. Clinton, members of Congress, Ambassador Holbrooke, Excellencies, friends”(Perils of indifference). He doesn’t mention kids when he addresses people, but with Night younger people can read this and understand what is going on, and older people can read this and still learn something new from it. It was also easy to tell that english is not his first language because of the number of times he would pause or fumble on words. But because Night is a book, people are reading it on there own and are not worrying about the language barrier.
Both Night and “Perils of indifference” share messages that are important to hear, and people should read the book and listen to the speech, but Night really shows the message the Wiesel was trying to spread about what it was like to be a jew during the holocaust and the pain of being in the concentration