Hassan Fathy was one of the pioneers of post-modern architecture, and an …show more content…
Built during the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, this village was a sort of reallocation project to move the former community somewhere else. The former Gourna village was built on an important archeological site of ancient monuments and tombs which the locals would continuously rob in order to maintain themselves (Lane,2000). The assigned architect, Fathy’s made extensive research to develop a sustainable village in which the lives of the locals would not be drastically changed from their former environment. Everything was thought out, even the new crafts that the villagers would take on and how they would learn them. Fathy had formerly explored the possibilities brought by mud bricks and decided to incorporate it in this village as well. It was easy and to procure mud for the bricks in Egypt, and in a matter of weeks a house could be completed with a modest number of craftsman working. But ultimately the project failed to meet its expectations. Today only a few buildings remain of the original