
Analysis Of Informal Class: A Tale Of Looking Good

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Informal Class: A Tale of Looking Good

August 17, 2015, it’s a new start, a new beginning, and a difficult journey I knew I could take on. It was my first day of my senior year and I had moved over 300 miles away from my original home, to a place I had no idea about, Andover, Kansas. It was a sunny day so I decided to put on some shorts and a nice button down polo shirt.
In my mind, the way you look says a lot about who you are. Since I like standing out and showing off that I’m an independent thinker, I consider myself a man who dresses with an informal class. Over the past few years dressing up nice and looking presentable has been my passion. Anyways, it’s the first day of school and I am nervous because the only group I am familiar

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