Due to shortage of dwelling houses in the city some landlords abuse their tenants. But tenants are human beings that need thoughtfulness. There should be win-win situations between the landlord and the tenant. James Mataya’s tenants reasoned with him. They were tired of his bad behavior, just collecting money without maintaining his property.
“Enough!” It was the time for the landlord to be protected from his own idiocy; the tenants though and did what was in their best interest, which proved beneficial to both parties.
After toiling for thirty years and retired from the civil service. He set off to his Village, Phodogoma.
As a way to safeguard his future and that of his family, the long serving accountant had built houses …show more content…
Finally, he had arrived in the city. From about 200 meters something clicked in his mind. His heart started doing a rushing business. White decorated structures welcomed him from two meters away. Did the tenants sell his property to someone?
No, the property was not sold to his relief. He was greeted by smiling tenants. What had happened to his property? The tenants had teamed up to renovate the property. This decision was beneficial to both of them. The dilapidated form of the houses only needed one rainy season. Then who knows, both of them could have become losers if the houses had fallen down. As proof of expenditure they showed him authentic receipts. It showed that he owed them some money. For him to start collecting another chunk of rent, three months had to pass.
Convinced beyond reasonable doubt he headed for the third tenant to throw the last throw his last dice. Timidly, he knocked at Namulangeni’s door. Waiting for her to answer, he remembered what had happened last time the two had met. He had joked with her that she had a beautiful behind. He would consider granting her rental amnesty the other time. That time she had just