Dahl, builds a sense of foreboding in this story about a man named Billy on an innocent business trip and an old Landlady running a "Bed & Breakfast". The story in the beginning makes the Landlady seem creepy, but the story also makes the Landlady seem so nice. Through out the story she drops hints about how scary she really is. At the end of the story it all comes together, and we realized that this lady truly isn't harmless. The young visitor had just gotten through the door when he took off his jacket and noticed that there wasn't any other jackets hats, or umbrellas. It's very obvious that this means that no one is staying there. "we have it all to our selves" says the landlady. This would alarm me because if no one comes here then that would appear to me that this place might have something wrong with It. She kindly asked Billy to sigh in the book, after he gets unpacked and settled in. He heads into the living where the sigh in book is located. When he gets to the book, he starts to sigh his …show more content…
name and noticed the other two names sighed right above his signature. He examined the names and dates. The names seemed to be as long as two years before he checked in. To him it seems like a very long time. While starting to recognize the other two names he is trying to connect to, the land lady randomly appears in the door way with a over sized silver tray hold two cups and a steaming pot of tea. After sighing his name the landlady pats the couch next to the spot next to her and reconds him over to sit next to her. He decides that it wouldn't be any harm to ask her about the names so he decides to ask her about it. He was now positive he had seen them in the news papers- in the head lines." "But my dear boy, he never left. Mr. Temple is also here." This would alarm me because i would think it would be normal for two people to stay in bed and breakfast for that long. They were on the couch drinking bitter tasting tea while Billy was still thinking about the two men.
thinking that he was positive he saw their names in the newspaper. somewhere. The landlady seems to try to take Billy's mind off the subject. To do this, she starts to talk to him a little more. such as, "how old are you?" "you have beautiful teeth" "did you know that?" "Mr. Temple's skin is as soft as a babies" this would alarm for many reasons. first i would ask myself "how does she know that" it would make me creeped out. The story of the landlady is a thrilling story about a young man named Billy going on a business trip. Billy ends up running into some trouble. The title "Landlady" also plays a big role for this story. The landlady is what Billy would describe "harmless". But as we get I into the story we will soon learn that this landlady is everything but