The authors did a wonderful job presenting this memoir. It really shows the dark times of the world. Genocide was sweeping across different parts of the nation and people followed and supported it. People were convinced that these terrible things were okay because of their lack of knowledge and because it did not directly affect them in anyway. Bardach’s memoir is a great example of the course of history in the twentieth century. It shows the dark times in recent European history and how they molded the Europe of today. Stalin held a lot of power and influence and people were forced to follow his commands no matter how dark or terrible they may have been. Some people would willingly do these things while in other cases they did it due to force. Man is Wolf to Man represents a trend in European history during the mid- twentieth century. Stalin was not alone in the creation of his gulag camps; Hitler also created concentration camps to contain the Jews, and Japanese-Americans were placed in internment camps after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Bardach’s account demonstrates the helplessness of certain parts of society as well as the inability of others to prevent the cycle of hate from …show more content…
One of the authors that helped write this book lived in and survived Stalin’s terrible gulag and the horrid Kolyma gold mines. Since he lived through the conditions he may make the conditions seem much worse than they were. He could also be exaggerating how cruel the punishments were. Bardach could have a very biased view on Stalin because of the suffering he endured as a result of him being in power; he could possibly be looking to make Stalin look bad in this situation. However, there is proof that these labor camps were as terrible as they are made out to be. There are many other fist hand accounts and fact that back up and support his accusations in this