Wastage Analysis
Manpower wastage is an element of labor turnover. It is not labor turnover by itself. It includes- voluntary retirement, normal retirement, resignations, deaths and dismissals.
Wastage Analysis Curve identifies three different phases During induction phase, marginal employees leave.
During differential transit period, an employee learns about the organization and identifies his role in it.
During the period of settled connection, an employee settles down and decides to stay long.
Analysis of Manpower Supply
Wastage Analysis
Wastage decreases with the increase of length of service. Wastage also decreases with the increased skill exercises and age of employees.
Characteristically wastage of manpower is more in female than male employees.
It varies with the level of employment and also exhibits seasonal variations.
Working conditions and size of the firm are also important variables of manpower wastage.
Different Methods of Wastage Analysis
Labor Turnover Index
Indicates the number of leavers as percentage of average number of employees.
Average number of employees employed in a given time period is decided by adding the employees at the beginning and end then dividing the same with two.
Stability Index
Indicates stable workforce percentage for a given period.
Different Methods of Wastage Analysis
Cohort analysis
Cohort analysis takes into account the length of service, which is an important variable of wastage analysis. It is more accurate for a small homogenous group.
But changing social and economic conditions can invalidate this analysis.
Markov Model
Markov process helps to measure the long term equilibrium distribution of staff among the sub groups. The basic assumption of this model is that an employee in a particular grade or a status group has a fixed chance of promotion depends on subject to fulfillment of criteria like age, seniority, qualifications or experience.