Prof. Jerwin Agpaoa
Analysis of Philo Henyo
Towards the end of the course of Philo 1 under Professor Jerwin Agpaoa, we were intrigued the moment Sir Agpaoa mentioned that we would be playing a game called Philo
Henyo. Yes, I did hear it right; it’s not the same name as to what I am more familiar of, which is
“Pinoy Henyo.” First off, I’d like to start by giving a brief background to the concept of the game. How is Pinoy Henyo can be related to Philo Henyo? And in the end, it made me realize that, “Hey! Philo Henyo should have been the best name for this game.”
We first heard of Pinoy Henyo from a popular Manila noontime TV show that excites audience and makes them think like scientists or even geniuses. The idea is for the player to give within the allowed time the answer for the word he has to guess. And yes indeed, this is not just as simple as shouting random words until you hit the jackpot. It is more than that that makes the winner, indeed genius. How does one do it? He thinks in terms of Kingdom, Phylum, Class,
Order, Family, Genus, Species, – and classifying them from the most general to specific until they come up with the right word. And yes, in order to be successful in this game, as mentioned, you cannot say random words and expect that guessing would be easy. One must have a good knowledge of taxonomies, or better yet defining words intensional and extensional or processes wherein you are sorting out the knowledge from the more general to specifics. The person who
guesses, and the person who states whether it is “Oo, hindi, or Pwede” must have some kind of an idea or concept to what the word really means. And through this, the game unravels and the players starts to mention properties or traits of the word in order to be more familiarized with word being guessed. The best way to explain what is going on in this guessing game is through extensional and intensional knowledge.
Two of the words that were introduced to