When I was at the young age of 3, the first word that ever struck me confused was “gifted”. That was what my 2nd grade teacher exclaimed to my parents “Dalston is a gifted student” during a parent teacher meeting. I never knew what “gifted” meant, never understood the concept. All I knew was I was placed in classes with other kids that were smarter than me. Come 3rd, 4th and 5th grade, the word gifted (GATE) became more and more apparent. I started to win honor rolls, perfect attendance, awards that I thought were a little overdone. But then again, now that I apply for this
CalSOAP I realize those documents come in handy. …show more content…
Starting in 4th grade I had received an honor roll award and had my name listed on the town newspaper.
Then in 5th grade I had received an Outstanding Academic
Excellence award from President Barack Obama. In 6th grade I had received an IB
Learner Profile Award and in 8th grade I received an Honor Roll
I was a member of the Boy Scouts of America since 3rd grade. During my involvement with BSA, I had learned so many things that had now become the foundation of my young adulthood (i.e. building tents, being independent, teamwork, and most of all being responsible). One of the things that I would never forget is the opportunity of actually visiting the supreme court and play out a mock trial in front of an actual supreme court judge. I was able to act out my natural prosecuting skills. At the same time I was maintaining my grades and perfect attendance at school.
Now comes high school I had chosen to join the AJROTC program to continue
Dalston Karto
what I had learned in Boys Scouts. I had enjoyed the program for its activities and its lessons. One lesson I will never forget is the army values which taught that you must
Loyal, Respectful and Courageous. I love to wake up early in the morning (4am) to get together with my platoon. I had enjoyed the opportunities of volunteering at various community events throughout the San Diego county.
Ever since day one, I had learned that part of being a good citizen towards your community was to have a good education. Which brings up the topic of college and throughout my life the idea of college was brought into my mind as being a golden ticket in life. College years seem to be the most important years because what you choose, think, say and act affects the rest of your life. It affects your career, your social life, and perhaps your selfesteem to keep trying.
Therefore in preparation for college and in life, you are constantly being tested from Elementary to High School to see if you are ready to take on the challenges that college and life bring upon you. Meaning that there is no such thing as being too prepared. One of my goals in life is to graduate from college. The CalSOAP program is the perfect opportunity. I will be the first generation in the family to graduate from college. While I do have an older brother, who has autism, he is currently a 12th grader
(special ed) nondiploma bound. I wish to fulfil my goal and the CalSOAP program is the perfect way to help me.