I found the information on gifted students to be very information. I did not realize that these students may have physical conditions that cause over sensitivity or social issues. I have always thought of being gifted as a good thing until I watched the videos and realized the issues these children are faced with. Finally, this week’s readings …show more content…
Although this was the beginning of public education for children with disabilities, they were excluded from the rest of the student body and isolated within their own classrooms. Then in 1990, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) changed the face of education for disabled students. IDEA required the schools to involve parents in the educational decisions, students would get evaluations to ensure proper placement, Individual Education Plans (IEP) would be utilized, and the child’s progress would be continually monitored and modification would be made when necessary. Students who don’t fall under the special education requirements but still may have needs, such as ADD or cancer, may use Section 504. Under Section 504 teachers are still required to make accommodations for the students. Finally, inclusive classroom settings have become an important part of the continued success of students with disabilities. In an inclusive setting, students with disabilities are taught with their fellow non-disabled peers. This practice allows for students to socialize with their peers and obtain an equivalent education while preparing for adult life in an inclusive community (Smith, Polloway, Doughty, Patton, Dowdy, 2016). In order for inclusive education to be successful, general education teachers and special education teachers need to work together collaboratively.
After the readings, I understand the positive effects of the inclusive classroom setting. Yet I still have some concern over the distractions that disabled students can cause for general education students. I wonder if the greater good of the minority is out weighing the greater good of the majority. I found a great appreciation for those individuals involved with the IEP process and all the time and work that the put into