Miracle Rogue (MR), though not played very much on the ladder outside of high ranks, is a very good deck in general and an excellent tournament deck. Most Rogue specialist claim that they are favored against any deck. It is strong indeed but tends to run out of steam or damage is the enemy is able to heal repeatedly. Nevertheless, the potential of huge burst is an always present threat when playing against Miracle Rogue which enables it to snatch some surprising wins.
This article is no guide on how to play. It is rather an overview on the different iterations and a card by card explanation and providing a side by side comparison in an infographic.
The Core
The core deck has not changed a lot. It actually consists of 22 cards whereas some few variations cut 1 or 2 in favor of other synergies, e.g. Cold Blood is cut in Malygos Miracle Rogue in favor of Sinister Strike. There were a few core components added with Mean Streets of Gadgetzan. Before MSG, the first few turns for this deck were mostly dead, moreso if they were not in possession of The Coin. Nowaday with Small-Time Buccaneer and Patches the Pirate this changed significantly. Now, the decks has more early aggression and potential to react to other fast decks like Pirate Warrior or Aggro Shaman. The next new …show more content…
Damage in the form of Backstab, Eviscerate and Fan of Knives. The latter serves also as a cycle card as do Bloodmage Thalnos and Azure Drake. These minions also have the upside of giving Spell Damage +1. Edwin VanCleef is still there because he can be pumped up huge or dropped easily early on as a 4/4 or 6/6 to fend of early- to mid-game minions. Tomb Pillager is a staple due to its good stats the deathrattle which provides another copy of The Coin and Finally Preparation helps to weave in a spell if needed or to enable Gadgetzan Auctioneer's to draw cards even on turn