Course Code : MBT601-1 Course : Integrated Marketing Communication
L: 3 Hrs., T : 1 Hr., Per Week Total Credits: 7
Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide the students with knowhow about Marketing Communication, Integration concepts, Media planning and buying concepts. Learning this course would equip the students in building there career in advertising and media planning.
Unit I: Introduction to Marketing Communication Concept; Functional areas of Marketing Communications; How does marketing communication work. Concept of brand-customer touch points.
Unit II: Concept of Integrated Marketing Communication planning process-identifying target audience, analyzing SWOT, determining marketing communication objectives, developing strategies and tactics, setting the budget and evaluating effectiveness. Concept of internal marketing.
Unit III: Creative Concept and Messages; the message strategy brief, the creative process,
Unit IV: Message Execution; Message storytelling, tone and style, copy writing, message consistency, the consistency triangle.
Unit V : Media planning, media classification, media strengths and weaknesses, Audience management and measurement, out of home media, product placement.
Unit VI: Media targeting, media profiles, CDI-BDI Determination, calculating reach and frequency, GRP and TRP concept and calculation, IMC media mix, calculating media cost, media scheduling.
Text Book: 1. Principles of Advertising and IMC: Duncan, Tom. - McGraw Hill.
Reference Books: 1. Integrated Marketing Communications: Pickton, D. and Broderick, A. - Prentice Hall. 2. Using advertising and promotion to build brands: Blyth, J. –Pearson 3. Advertising management by Jethwaney: Pub by Oxford. 4. Building the Indian Brand: Kapoor,