Teresa gives victor confidence every time she smiles and says hey,but what really gives him confidence is when every students in the classroom including Teresa thought Victor could speak french.In result she confronted him and told him good job and notified him that he knew which he really didn’t.Victor blushes for a moment and then she asks a question.According to
the passage “Teresa asked him if he would help her with french.”, and Victor replied with “Sure anytime.”.That conversation gave proof that he thought going to be a great school year for him.
Another character in the passage that gives Victor excitement and confidence is his french teacher Mr.Bueller.Victor and Mr.Bueller also have a conversation..Mr Bueller tells Victor that he once too had a crush on a girl and tried to impress them and not be themselves.Mr.Bueller says that when had a girl he always too tried impress her so every time he saw her he would be in another car every time.His situation is very similar to Victor because he tried to impress Teresa by thinking he knew french.Mr.Bueller planned worked but in result he was broke after the fact and had to depend on family for money.There were also consequences to Victor situation.Victor was asked to help her out with french but Victor didn't know french himself.
These are the two characters that helped Victor become more confident and excited about his seventh grade year.We’ll never know how the conversations helped out in his future,but in my opinion Victor did very well and I believe he will have a great seventh grade year.