In this article from the Alaska Dispatch News, a judge has been accused of violating the Alaska Code of Judicial Conduct for insensitive statements. Within this Code is a very detailed listing of a judge’s, duties and responsibilities. Under Canon 3 of this
Code, “A judge shall maintain professional competence in the law” and “A judge shall be patient, dignified, and courteous to litigants, jurors, witnesses, lawyers, and others with whom the judge deals in an official capacity”. The Code also provides guidance on extra activities, conflicts of interest, political activity, and reporting of unethical behaviors by others. Details of judicial disciplinary procedures are not detailed within this Code, however Andrews quotes Greenstein in her article that discipline by the Supreme Court could be “a public statement of wrongdoing, suspension, or removal from office.” The latter is the most severe, and only one other judge has faced removal from office.
It is very important for companies to establish a Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct which sets the foundation for their ethical standards and behavior and to live by them. Employees as well as stakeholders need to know there are consequences when they do not abide by these Codes. When unethical behavior is reported, companies need to take action immediately. If not, it can leave a perception to other employees, stakeholders, and the general public that the Code has no merit, so neither does the company. This applies to the public sector as well. Judges and police officers uphold the law. As such, I would say most people expect them to conform to a higher standard of ethical behavior, and be disciplined if they do not. The recent uprising in Baltimore about racist police brutality is evidence of this.