Buonafede, D.
April 18, 2017 Argument for God’s Existence
In post-modern era, society is more inclined towards modern philosophy. This results in people to be composed of social construct and ideologies such as socialism, capitalism, feminism and progressivism. Thus, the causality of fragmentation in a Western society are due to the clash of conflicting ideologies. In order to counteract the ideology, one must argue the existence of God. It is a common reality which one can presuppose that a being or thing provide existence into an objective reality. Therefore, the source of objective reality can be validated through these following arguments; “Argument for Existence of God,”, “Argument for Time and Contingency,” and “The Ontological Argument”. As a matter of fact, there are many factors that contribute to the source of objective reality. This includes: The Argument from Efficient Causality which confirms that a common reality is embedded into humanity. In the Argument from Efficient Causality, there are two components that proves the existence of God which are the caused and the uncaused. It is evident that reality displays some things cause other things to begin or continue. For …show more content…
It includes that an uncaused being must be a constituent of the world. Then, an originator must exist that is dependent from time, space and any being. Ergo, that being must exist in possible world and be logically coherent. Since the ideologies does not abide to these following premises. It is evident that a common reality consists a supreme being, God, must exists which in result invalidates the ideologies that exists in the world. The conception of an objective reality is absolute which is what humanity cannot agree on since it does not fit their own