The connotations and prideful tone within the Declaration of Independence written by our founding fathers, show their fortitude through pledging to one another other their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. Three simple vows. Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. Although they seem straightforward, there is a deeper meaning to these assertions. The Declaration appears to use lives as a literal term, but the United States armed forces depicts the vow of U.S. Citizens giving their lives to honor and fight for the country. Fortunes is commonly defined as money or a material object that someone owns. In the Declaration it has a deeper meaning of citizens helping to support the country economically. By financially holding up the country, they give their fortunes to aid any predicaments standing in the way of a successful nation. Through instilling trust in each other and having faith in our leaders, they have vowed a sacred …show more content…
These give a strong sense of dignity and allegiance they have for the United States. The words honor and sacred, effectively shows the intended tone of allegiance because of their denotations being similarly defined as words corresponding with cultural loyalty. Having honor to the Declaration is like a pinky promise when you're a child. Between the two children who made that pinky promise, it is the biggest promise that can be made. This promise is taken to heart and held as a child's perception of a "lifelong" commitment. In order to commit to someone, you have to trust that you can depend on one