
Analysis Of The Gospel Of Mark 1-4

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Interpretation of Mark 1-4
The Gospel according to Mark is shortest of all the Gospels, and with being set in around 26-30 CE it is the earliest accounting of Jesus ministry. The Gospel of Mark, in contrast to the other gospels, emphasizes the servanthood of the Lord rather than that of the Messiah. Mark tells us who Jesus is by telling us what Jesus did.
Similar to many historical books written in the Old Testament, Mark was written several years after the events actually took place. But in contrast, Mark was not present during any of the events that took place in his narrative. Marks story takes the remembrances and recollections of his colleague Peter, and interprets them into a story of Jesus life, ministry, miracles and words.
The events shared in Mark chapters 1-4 all took place in Galilee. The Roman Empire provided the power that ruled this area but Greece was the greatest cultural influence. The Greek language was the universal language (much as English is today) and Greece had a richer culture than Rome which made it a natural source of stimulation for the intellectuals of the time.
If there was one identifying theme for the Gospel of Mark it would be conflict. The first big
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Jesus not only served God but also all of humanity. Jesus crossed national, racial and economic barriers without hesitation. Jesus is shown again and again as one having authority not only by his spoken word but over the forces of nature, over Satan and his demons, over sickness and disease, and even over death. Although Jesus authority became widely known throughout the area of Galilee and he often referred to himself as the son of man, he did not want to reveal that he was the son of God. Even though the Lord was quite clearly doing things that only God is capable of doing, Jesus constantly urged the apostles not to talk about who he really

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