The Gospel of Mark
In writing my essay on comparing and contrasting the differences of the three endings in Mark, with all of them beginning in the 16th chapter of Mark, one can see many things. In chapter 16 of Mark you have three different version the earliest starting at the on the first verse ending in the 8th verse. It plainly explains what happens as all of them being started on a Monday day, the day after the Sabbath. That is when three women, Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James and Salome, were going to go to the tomb of Jesus to anoint his body. When they arrived at the tomb it was open with a boy in a white robe sitting on the right side of the tomb. They were amazed and alarmed, when he spoke to them telling them not to be alarmed as they were stating that Jesus was not there. He then told them to go tell the disciples, and Peter, that he was going ahead to galilee and that they would see him there. But the women were very afraid and they did the opposite. “ So they went out and started running from the tomb, because trembling and astonishment overwhelmed them, and they said nothing to anyone, since they were afraid”. What you have here is the first of the three different ending in which did not end successfully.
In the second ending, and also another version in chapter 16 starting in verse 9 and ending in verse 13, brings forth the appearances of the risen Lord. This version also started on a Monday with the Lord appearing to Mary Magdalene. This time she did go and report it to those who had been with them when he was killed, yet still when they heard of him appearing and still alive they still did not believe in this. After this appeared to two of them as they walked to the country and it says in verse [13] “so they had believed from seeing this and went and reported it to the rest who did not believe them either” they still did not believe. As you in the version no one speaks for the lord telling