in today’s society, but out of four hundred claims, only one is successful in court (Vatz “Accommodating”).
Accepting the insanity plea tremendously benefits the United States and the safety of the American people. In my opinion, it is very beneficial to allow the insanity plea to be used in court. It has proven to save the lives of many offenders and has also kept the community safe. People tend to assume that those who enter the plea are trying to elude a prison sentence, but I think the public should be more open minded and allow these people to get the help they truly need. I understand that the people of the community need to worry about themselves and take care of their families, but the general public would be safer if we get these people off of the streets and into a facility to receive help. I believe that mentally ill people have the ability to get better, but they must take the proper medication and be treated in a hospital that meets their specific needs. In the future, it would benefit those who are ill and also the community if we further educate ourselves on the issue and strive to get these people the help they need.