2. “Reckoning” is the function of reason, or of thinking, for Hobbes. Reckoning entails “conceiving of the consequence of the names of all the parts, to the name of the whole.” The parts pertaining to the addition and subtraction. By reckoning, the reasoning …show more content…
Though competition for power leads to war, men are inclined to political submission by “the manifestation of the value we set on one another.” For political submission, the Common-wealth places value on its people. The value can either be honouring or dishonouring. The men want to be recognized for value; thus, they submit to receive positive value from their Common-wealth.
4. Hobbes claims we are all equal on the basis of “the faculties of body, and mind.” Even if one man has more prudence or strength than another, the fact that all men have body and mind makes them equal. Hobbes does discuss how there is more equality within the mind due to his belief that if the circumstances for all minds were the same, all persons would have the same amount of prudence. Also, Hobbes discusses how all men are equal in mind because they are all “contended with his share.”
5. The three principle reasons that people come into conflict with each other are: (1) Competition, (2) Diffidence, and (3) Glory. Hobbes discusses why each of these three reasons leads to conflict. Competition leads men to seek gain. For one man to gain, he may need to come into conflict with another man. Diffidence leads men to to seek safety. For one man to be safe, he may need to defend himself from another man in which he is in conflict with. Glory leads men to seek reputation. For one man to receive a good reputation, he may need to stop a conflict. Thus, competition, diffidence, and glory are reasons in which