The painting was completed thirteen months before he died, and only three months before he was released form Saint Remy de Provences Asylum in 1889. Many aren’t aware of the fact that van Gogh suffered from mental illness. Vincent van Gogh spent one year at the asylum. After cutting off part of his ear in Arles, Van Gogh willingly committed his self to the institution. During his time spent at the asylum, he battled his personal demons, but the time spent there would allow him to produce some of the most famous works of his career. This is where van Gogh created his most well known pieces, Starry Night. This painting is the evening sky through the window of the room in the sanatorium. …show more content…
There are critics that believe that the painting was meant to portray a story from the bible. According to the book of Genesis, Joseph is said to have had a dream of the sky, including eleven stars, the sun and the moon. This dream is meant to be symbolic of his brothers and parents bowing down to him. Another scholar believed that this painting was influenced by the times. During the time in which the painting was done, the world was consumed with astrology and astronomy, with people like Jules Verne writing about travelling to the moon. There were also other that claim that this painting depicts some sort of alienation and mental illness that van Gogh was experiencing at the time. The sleepy village represents the rest of the world, unaware of whatever uncontrolled passions and distress Van Gogh was experiencing through during this time. This maybe the reason the houses seem to be so far away even though they are actually more or less in the