to become a more advanced society. Where before we were racing to the moon; in today time we are racing for better and more advance technology. There are many competitions in today time for technology and the United State is really falling behind. Corporations are helping the U.S. to get into more technology and eliminate non-skills jobs to help the U.S be more advance in this competition world. Asia and many European countries already have self-checkout, robots, in their stores that the U.S is barely introduce in their industry. Americans need to move forward and not stay in the past because if the U.S don’t take action our net worth, dollar, and the economy will fall greatly. Why is the U.S falling behind in technology? How are they falling behind in technology? It is Due to U.S. educational performance, ignorance, and education, we are unable or growing slowly in the technology world. In 2014 the world press release new ranking on the world education, health, performance, and more. U.S. is ranked 17th in educational performance and 2nd in ignorance. We should change our behavior toward the technology in our society because with more technology people are more educated and highly skills people. U.S. corporations are trying to make the U.S. more advance by providing with more advance technology in their business to attract foreign country to invest to the U.S. economy. Technologies are the foundation every society’s future and …show more content…
Nicollo Machiavelli once said, “Win through your actions, never through argument.” We are only arguing why human service is better, but we are not taking any action because of this, technology service will replace human service, therefore we should embrace the pros of technology rather than talking about all the cons of technology and corporate. If you are saying corporation are greedy, ignorant, and Machiavellian; what makes you any better person? Would you fire people to make more money? The corporations are trying to make more money to extend their business. I think everyone would have done the same thing that corporations have done if we have the opportunity to save our business with any mean necessary such as firing people to grow financially. You also have to remember that some of those corporations started from nothing and if they could do it, we can do it as well, so we should not judge them for their action because someday we or our children would be in the same spot as they