During the eleventh and fourteenth century, Europe had radical social and economic issues. The old-fashioned world which was extremely regulated society was totally feudalism, during which all of the people had their place and responsibilities. The manorial system, in which the lords owned all the land worked by their serfs, began to decline in the late Middle Ages with the growth of nation-states. Medieval cities became the centers of commerce which was ruled by the guilds that brought economic stability. Also a lot of people moved to the town from the country because they …show more content…
found a lot of opportunities to create a living.
A lot of Europeans after the year 100 came to North America. Vikings reached the east coast from Northern Europe, however the resistance and the disease from the native people drove them away. Some scientists and historians believed that some Vikings landed in Massachusetts, where is it located today. There are also some remains of Viking settlement in Newfoundland, Canada.
One of Columbus Map events led to discovery of North America as the Crusades. A lot of European Christians joined the wars to recapture Palestine from the Muslims between the 1100s and 1200s. The Europeans bought new and exotic merchandise from the East, like precious jewel, spices, and silk on the crusades. This led the trade routes to Asia spring up because the demand of these products grew rapidly. Merchandiser ships departed from cities such as Genoa and Venice, which also became centers of business. The ships came back to Europe with new goods and also with new ideas. The Europeans' views of life began to change inn this method.
7 - How and why did the middle colonies become more diverse than the southern and New England colonies? What are the short- and long-term economic, social, and political consequences of this diversity?
Henry Hudson who was on a journey to the Hudson River and Delaware Bay explored the middle colony in 1609. The Dutch claimed the land soon. The Dutch and the Swedes both fought over the land, the Dutch ultimately claimed the land in the 1630s, and named it New Netherland. In 1660s the English then conquered the land from the Dutch, and named it New York, after the famous Duke of York, James II. This land was periodically granted to various proprietors and split into the Province of New York and the Province of Pennsylvania the middle colonies were more diverse than the New England colonies because the middle colonies had many different religions and culture such as a puritan, Anglican, Roman Catholic, Amish, and many more. The Puritans who later became Congregationalists founded Massachusetts, Maine, and Connecticut. The Proprietors founded Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania who wanted protection for their religion. William Penn was a Quaker and Lord Baltimore was catholic. New York was reformed by Dutch, but were tolerant of others, see Pilgrims. New Jersey which started out as part of Pennsylvania and Dutch New York, and later when it became a royal colony, Scottish Presbyterians were always welcomed. In Vermont, the Baptist settled in Shaftsbury, the Congregationalist settled in Bennington, and so on. The middle colonies did not use tax revenue to pay for ministers' salaries. Salaries the example of the Quakers, there was a live and let live feeling. The consequences were that ethnically, the Middle Colonies were more varied than the other British colonial regions and seemed to be more socially tolerant. the political consequence however were that they had to face the Royal governors who were often arrested or overthrown more than once, most notably when New Jersey arrested its governor and during Leisler's Rebellion in New York. The Growing unrest in the Middle Colonies eventually led the region to become a center of revolution and the meeting place of the Continental Congress.
10 - Describe and explain the roles played by loyalists, African Americans, women, and American Indians during the Revolutionary War. How did the outcome of the war affect them?
England refused the demands of its citizens in America, so the colony's delegates met in 1776, and declared their independence from the British Crown, where upon England war on Americans who elected George Washington as commander of the Liberation War, and they were victorious in the Battle of Yorktown. Therefore, the Great Britain forced to recognize the independence of the United States in 1783.
Accompanied this growing population expansion towards the western regions encouraged by the federal state, and they bought some areas and extracted some other by force, this reconstruction has been at the expense of indigenous people (American Indians) who have been most of the expulsion and extermination. In George III renowned Royal Proclamation of 1763, had promised to protect as Indian hunting grounds. Indians, Great Britain’s allies who also chose sides in the Revolutionary War, felt betrayed. When American settlers, unrestricted by the US, begun streaming across the Appalachian Mountains into the Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee regions, even before the war finished, bitter clashes with the Indians ensued.
For captivated African Americans, and for women, new opportunities were bought by war and political orientation. Some African Americans took advantage of this situation and fled from their owners and were free behind the British lines. Also about more than five thousand blacks left Charleston after British army left. Although a lot of free African Americans chose to stay on the land of their birth, still tens of thousands of them emigrated to Canada and some other places in British possessions.
Women played a great part in the war. Nationalist women stepped into the hole, increasing production of homespun material. One Massachusetts City claimed an annual output of thirty thousand yards of material, with their husbands and sons away, the majority of the women also assumed the burden of farm production. Most of them went into the fields themselves, ploughing fields or cutting and loading grain. Some upper‐class women entered into the political dialogue, filling their letters and diaries, with opinions on public problems.
11 - What major challenges did Americans face during the War for Independence, and how did they overcome those challenges and defeat Great Britain?
Britain's military was the greatest in the world.
Their defense force were well armed, well-organized, fine salaried, and well fed. The British Navy conquered the oceans. Funds were far more simply elevated by the Continental Congress than by the Empire. Whereas, the Americans had marvelous trouble elevating sufficient funds to buy simple goods for their troops, including shoes and blankets. They didn't have as many men, in fact they had fewer men. Also many of them had to slumber on the cold floor and they had slight or no warm dress. Most soldiers wrapped themselves in only one blanket, and because they didn’t have any shoes they covered little bits of fabric around their feet. An additional problem was the military’s got frostbite and sickness by the unpleasant cold. The British battled a war far from home. Military orders and troops, took months sometimes to reach their destination. The British had an exceptionally tough objective. They had to convince the Americans to give up their rights of independence. Given that the war sustained, the colonists' claim continued to increase validity. The geographic vastness of the colonies showed an interruption to the British effort. Although conquering all of the big cities, the British persisted as at a
Americans had a grand cause: fighting for their independence, liberty, and rights. This cause is much more just than pursuing a war to deny independence. Although American political and military were inexperienced, but they surprisingly proved competent.
The war was costly and the British residents debated its necessity. In Parliament, there were many American supporters. As a final point, the association with the French gave Americans bravery and a palpable threat that made the situation in America's favor.