
Analyze The Story 'Gryphon,' By Mrs. Ferenczi

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Her Own Kind The story Gryphon is from a student’s point of view. The student ends up losing their teacher because of a sickness. So then a substitute teacher is assigned to their classroom. Miss Ferenczi is a substitute that does not teacher like the narrator is used to teaching compared to a “normal substitute.” The teacher does this by the first appearance the students see when they walk in. When Miss Ferenzci is in the classroom the students noticed that she was drawing a tree on the chalkboard. She tells the class they needed a tree in there. She then goes on to introduce herself to the class. Miss Ferenczi shares with the class that her grandfather was a Hungarian Prince and other things about her family. Then to continue not doing the norm of a teacher she does not allow the kids to say the “Pledge of Allegiance,” because she did not feel like it was needed. Starting the morning like this, the students expected an interesting day of lessons. She gave them a lesson with vocabulary and reading. The way she taught the lesson she seemed not to care. Marie Lassmann talks about what a substitute teacher is expected to do. Miss Ferenczi was correct in …show more content…

The narrator liked her and goes home to share with his parents, about the way Miss Ferenczi taught the class. Then she shows up the next day and changes her look. Instead of doing what the teacher had planned, like a normal substitute, she had her own idea for the day. She started with love and proceeded to talk about how humans lived in trees and ate monkeys. Most teachers would not talk about that. Then Miss Ferenczi also talked about angels living under the clouds. Oddly enough, she goes on to talk about how planets control behavior, as well. Lastly she leaves the class talking about how there is no death and one turns to earthly things. Everything she tells the students is not normally what one should not be telling a

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